Malacca Is In The List of The 45 Places to Go in 2012

It’s good to hear that Melaka has been listed by The New York Times as one of the 45 places to visit this year. Last year Melaka attracted about 11 million visitors. With the recognition by The New York Times, Melaka is expected to attract more than 12 million tourists to the state this year.

Malacca among 45 ‘must-visit’ places
“With its lantern-lighted canals and silent, narrow streets lined with decades-old ornate temples and shophouses, few places in South-East Asia conjure romantic images of the past as effectively as Malacca,” it said in a write-up which became its second most-read story of the day.

Under the heading “The 45 Places to Go in 2012”, it said that Malacca, as a Unesco World Heritage site, had been captivating “record numbers of tourists lured by its unusual architecture and cuisine, which reflect centuries of foreign influences”.

“When you’re not exploring places like the 17th-century former Dutch town hall or Jonker Street’s antique shops, gorge on Malacca’s outstanding local specialties, like creamy, piquant nyonya laksa at the family-run Donald & Lily’s.”

Read more at The New York Times

However, Melaka should do something about its jams. As we posted in Menara Taming Sari, Melaka. If nothing is being done, people may stop visiting Melaka. Once bitten, twice shy baby.

Malacca should do something about its jams
If you are a regular visitor to Malacca, as I have been for over two decades, you will be able to tell if the streets in the city centre are congested or not before you even get there. If you arrive by the North South Expressway, the traffic situation at Ayer Keroh toll plaza is a good indicator.

If all payment booths are open and there are still long queues, you can bet that there will be congestion down town.

Just drive past the toll gates, then, observe traffic on the Ayer Keroh highway, the main thoroughfare leading into town.

If traffic here is slow moving and long queues are building up at the traffic lights, you should try to avoid driving into the city centre if you don’t want to be caught in jams.

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