Muzaffar Syah Secondary School Science (MOZAC) – The Most Successful School in Melaka

Have you heard about Muzaffar Syah Secondary School Science before? How about MOZAC, as it is better known by that name? It is a well known school not just in Melaka, but also in Malaysia. It been the talk of the town lately due to one of its former student is now the  new Chief Minister of Melaka, Datuk Wira Idris Harun. The school is well known for its academic achievement. It is one of the best school in Melaka. The school performance in SPM has been great and its is one of the top school in Malaysia. The school is also  grouped as one of the 88 Smart Schools in Malaysia.


MOZAC gate

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Keputusan Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 Negeri Melaka

Pilihanraya umum Malaysia kali ke 13 telah selesai dan rakyat Malaysia pasti ingin mengetahui tentang keputusan piliharaya umum ke 13 ini. Di Melaka, proses pengundian telah selamat diadakan pada 5 Mei 2013 bermula jam 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang.

Di Melaka terdapat 6 buah Parlimen dan 28 Dewan Undangan Negeri yang dipertandingkan. Berikut merupakan keputusan pilihanraya umum ke 13 bagi Negeri Melaka

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